this is like biblical stories for chuds

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Mar 4Liked by Dave Greene

Lesson 34 is a perfect summation of my time as a pagan. There are things I have learned I cannot even speak of except with a few select folk due to the corrupting nature of what that information is. But through all of the Knowledge I have learned, I cannot say that even one iota of it truly helped me to improve my life on Earth.

Look not into the Warp. It laughs at you, like the wolf laughs at a lamb wandering into the thicket. For it does not know it does not belong there.

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This was beautiful.

You understand the setting's essence, and share my hatred of the "iT's JuSt SaTiRe, ChUdS!" crowd.

May 40k remain ever out-of-reach to woke entryists and sundry subversive elements. (I don't think my sanity could take the Emperor being declared gay with Malcador or bossgirl women spess marheens becoming canon or some such woke nonsense...)

The Emperor, he protecc.

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it’s “throes” dad gummit

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I've never gotten into 40k, what are its redeeming points?

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Whistle past the fantasies and take notice of how real warfare and geo-political shifts take place . . .


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All shall rot!

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